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Discover Yourself: The Power of Knowing and Unleashing Your Strengths

April 18, 20243 min read

"Working with Ronai to understand my Strengths has helped me in so many ways! I had taken the test years ago and read some of the info, but didn't really know how to apply it.

Coaching with Ronai has helped me to really understand that it's ok to let go of the things I'm not good at (not my strengths!) and focus on what I AM good at. I feel more comfortable with who I am and approach my goals in a more creative way now. Highly recommend coaching - it is what unlocked the Strengths for me!

Joyce D. (Peoria, Illinois)

Hey, it's Ronai!

Have you ever wondered what makes you unique? Why do certain tasks make you feel energized while others leave you feeling drained? The secret lies in understanding your personal strengths. Knowing your strengths isn’t just about recognizing what you're good at—it's about discovering who you are and how you can make your mark on the world.

What Are Strengths?

Strengths are like superpowers. They are the activities and tasks that you naturally excel at—things that you do not just well, but with a sense of passion and ease. When you use your strengths, you feel like your true self, and work doesn’t feel like work at all.

Why Knowing Your Strengths Matters

Imagine trying to cut a tough piece of steak with a spoon. Sounds frustrating, right? That’s exactly how it feels when we try to succeed in life using skills that aren’t our strengths. When you know your strengths, it's like having the perfect set of tools in your toolbox. You can tackle life's challenges more effectively and with greater joy.

Unleash Your Strengths

How to "Unleash" Your Strengths

  1. Identify Your Strengths: The first step to unleashing your strengths is to identify them accurately. One effective way is to take the Gallup Clifton Strengths assessment, which will provide a detailed report of your top strengths. This insight is crucial for understanding where your natural talents lie.

  2. Apply Them Daily: Once you know your strengths, look for ways to use them in your daily life, both at work and at home. This alignment can dramatically increase your happiness and effectiveness.

  3. Develop and Grow: Knowing your strengths isn’t a one-time event—it’s a journey. Continue to develop your strengths through practice, challenges, and new opportunities.

    Learn More about Unleashing Your Strengths

Work with an Unleash Your Strengths Coach

This is me with my mentor Eddie Villa who is featured with his son in my book

"Dad's Got An Oil for That"

My Journey with Strengths

As an Eddie Villa Certified Unleash Your Strengths coach, I’ve seen firsthand how understanding and applying one’s strengths can transform lives. My own strengths include connecting deeply with others, sparking enthusiasm, and turning ideas into action. These abilities help me guide and inspire my clients to not just meet, but exceed their personal and professional goals.

Includer and WOO some of my top strengths.

Can you tell that Includer and WOO are some of my top strengths?

Unleash Your Potential with a Coach

You don’t have to embark on this journey alone. As a coach, I’m here to help you discover your strengths, apply them, and transform the way you live and work. Together, we can explore your unique talents and set you on a path to greater joy and success.

Are you ready to uncover and unleash your strengths? Let’s connect and start your journey to a more fulfilled and productive life.

Ronai Brumett

Book Your Discovery Call

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*Ronai Brumett

I'm a Wife, Mom, Grandma, Hobby Homesteader, Author, Certified Unleash Your Strengths, Emotion Code Practitioner Essential Oils, Holistic Health Coach, and more.

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